Using Satire and Comedy to Promote Climate Change Awareness
FARCE is an Erasmus+ funded project which ran from November 2020 to the end of October 2022.
On this website you will find information about the events organised by the project as well as the free to use developed resources.
There is no doubt that education has a serious role to play in the 'Politics of Persuasion', as we seek to find new ways, not simply of helping people understand the climate crisis, but also the part that we, as concerned citizens, can play in changing behaviour and contributing to an overall solution for a healthier planet.
However, just as education has its part to play in the climate change challenge; rational argument, creativity and humour are also effective tools of persuasion. Intelligent Disobedience can serve as one of the most effective and inspiring methods to bring about long lasting social change in the face of 'hard and soft resistance' by hardline climate sceptics and the all-too-often ‘profit first, people last’ corporate forces.
Few people would refute the assertion that climate change is one of, if not the most important challenge facing our civilisation today. Much of the current debate surrounds what might be the contributory causes of the problem, and what we as individuals can achieve in terms of a sustainable solution.
Hard reporting often results in a newsfeed dominated by negativity; this is in addition to wave after wave of fake news reports, pandemic updates, political disinformation and mortality stats. Thus, the objective of the FARCE project was to propose a new, ‘infotainment’ based approach by re-calibrating today's negative news flow. Not making light of serious issues, but dealing with them in new thoughtful, humorous and educational contexts, might well be the key to making people wake up, take notice and act upon the crucial issues of the day such as the climate crisis, and engage with them in a more meaningful way; such is the power of satire.
Learn more about the organisations involved in this project